Pestforce Latest News: Coronavirus - Disinfection service available

Coronavirus - Disinfection service available

We can help in the fight against Coronavirus.

We have more day to day experience of dealing with dangerous viruses than a lot of commercial cleaning companies.

We are regularly carrying out the sterilization of pathogens, microorganisms’ bacteria and viruses of residential and commercial properties particularly around rats and pigeons.

We have now added corona virus to the list of problems we can tackle. The corona virus falls in the same scientific category as other virus we already treat.

We our offering our resources to provide a cleaning service (decontamination / disinfection) should there be a high risk of COVID 19 in your property.

Q. Do you need a deep clean (decontamination / disinfection)?

Only if there is a high risk (or confirmed case) of Corona Virus being present in your property?

However, some people at very anxious and want some added peace of mind to protect themselves or someone considered vulnerable or at risk.

But “deep clean” is the wrong terminology.  You need a disinfection clean.
Note – these cleans should be carried out alongside a good regular cleaning regime.

We can provide our disinfection service to many types of property / areas;

ü domestic property
ü food preparation areas,
ü warehouses,
ü waiting areas,
ü offices
ü storage facilities,
ü vehicles
ü animal husbandry. 

We carry the right equipment and product to deliver the service safely, quickly and efficiently.

These methods are much more efficient and effective than a manual wiping / spraying process. It’s also a lot more cost effective as it requires less man hours.

Hopefully you will not need our services, but should you like more information on the services we can offer or any advice on concerns you may have with how to sterilize your home or work place please do not hesitate to contact us.